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  • You didn't say nothing (double negatives, yessss).

    I did all that talking and you didn't say nothing.

    I hate you. DIEEEEEEE! :uzikill:
    It's a bit like the Post University Matriculation Examination (PUME) here, is it? Once you're 'confirmed' by a uni you made offers for, do they do some sort of exam for you in several courses with a minimum expectation of grades before you're *finally* accepted?

    However it's done, I'm sure you'll ace those papers :proud:..I can swear to that on my paternal grandma's tombstone. :)
    Thought about...check: as I was typing this, some annoying soldier ant BIT me so hard...I turned on the lights and found IT just there on the rug. Looking up at me, daring me with its fat abdomen and criticising my humanity :D á la Roger Ebert RIP :cry:

    I could've sprayed the nutter to its grave, or slammed my foot on his f*cking mandibles (bite me again, I dare you)...but I COULDN'T. Couldn't bring myself to willingly kill a gdamn ant. I'm weak and wimpy like that. I need help. :fp:

    I got out a cup and scooped it in to run around, then I got to the corridor outside and released the fiend (in the cup it seemed keen on grooming itself when it tried unsuccessfully to bite glazed ceramic :fp: )..that muda had BIG mandibles though. :o

    Back to the discussion... :->
    Dude, you're ALREADY in uni as things are..I don't geddit.. :conf:

    What dya want to score, a 150/100 in any exam? They don't give SS grades you know. :D
    Without checking up anything: University of L'pool, without a doubt. :proud:

    I think they have a great PG programme, so the UG one probably is sound, too.

    Don't worry about the motivation..your first year will be ALL the motivation you'll need..you'll literally feel like you're punching the stratosphere. :)

    The first month of the very first semester is BLISS. :proud:

    Discipline? There's a very methodical-to-the-point-of-being-pedantic scholar inside of you. :) You could either release it totally, or just use it when needed and push it back into its lamp. Warning: you release it fully and you could end up like Keats (on the bright side). ;)

    Again, let me make it clear to you: bring back a First Class degree or nothing. I'll PERSONALLY supervise that. :)
    Any great Weeknd songs worth checking out other than High for This, The Mornin, Wicked Games, The Zone and The Birds?
    So in the end you had a brown/blond french beard with semi-ethnic Indian clothing? Oops, that's the sleazy rapist look.
    Not yet. I think the deadline for applying to Malaysian International Unis is in March or April, will wait for the results of the exams I just resat this month.
    So it was reallllly you...

    The whole thing gave me one massive scare tbh...sorry if I came out a bit harsh in those lines...

    Maybe the whole process was a bit therapeutic, even.

    Damnit I'm realllllllllllllllly tired atm. :sleep:
    You continue at this rate and we'll regrettably have to end such a good friendship thanks to that four letter word called BIAS. :(

    Don't think I don't know what you're up to. You should know 'Corz' and 'naïvety' don't make good bedfellows.
    Really can't remember the last time I posted on your walllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

    Noticed you like to keep things quiet...a lot of background messaging/chatting? Thought I was going to see a lot of Wall-to-wall activity when we 'Friended'

    I'm so tired now I'm coining shitty words :D

    Yes, you are a SUPER introvert...the jury's out on that. :-3
    and....never knew you actually saw all those posts...interesting...

    Feel free to 'litter' my wall...actually some of my FB friends post porn-like status updates, sometimes on my wall :o

    I'm not a frigging saint, so i don't moderate that. I try to influence people as much as I can, but the Crusades and the Inquisition...FAR FROM ME. No-one's getting that shoved down his/her throat.

    I know I just opened up a can of worms with that lsat paragraph....... :D
    It's who i am...I believe I've said this before but it's worth repeating...you're almost like a son to me...I love you that much but that part of me stays. And i promise you'll get to understand why...

    On gay marriage...that's one long one I believe we've partially thrashed...you know where I stand in regards to that...

    On fred.......................................................................................................................................................................................

    I knew it...I knew the religion thing had a big part in this...I sensed it all along. :(

    Unfortunately that part of me won't change...

    One day we will sit down (or bend over at our keyboards :) ) and talk this 'religion' thing over...I mean a really looooong chat. There are certain things you should know about that sir.

    But I'll say this: you can be a progressive, an intellectual of repute, and still hold fast to Faith...few examples off the top of my head...David Boyle, Clives Lewis, Galileo, Tyche, Charles Darwin at his deathbed (yes...though because of his 'atheistic importance' there's been a conscious effort to dim that pleasant story of his return to Christianity as he aged and saw the truth...he actually started out from the church as a young man). In that sense I have lots of role models... :)
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