The Rumour Commode XXI

Who should lead Milan's attack in 17/18 ?

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Milan Legend
Jun 15, 2011
Reaction score
San Siro
the nationality argument was more relevant when youth players were staying in their respective countries for growth before moving to a new club. Now teenagers under 18 are switching clubs left and right so it doesn't matter anymore.

If you buy a brazilian that's been in England since he was 11 and one thats never left brazil, you'll get 2 players with very different styles and mentality of the game.


Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
1. That his characteristics are very different to Calhanouglu´s is not necessarily negative, we need some 1:1 replacements in the squad but having players who are different is important too.
Bonaventura is able to do the things Calhanoglu isn´t so good at and vice versa.
We need to have some variety to react to situations and to perform tactical changes.
For example Bonaventura is much better at dealing with a lack of space, so for Serie A alone this can be crucial in some games.

2. I agree about the national team but he is a flagship player for Milan, thats enough for me personally and enough to influence our fan base.

thanks for explaining your position.

1. having midfielders with different characteristics is never a bad thing, if in addition to these characteristics he had more CM like characteristics like playmaking and/or defending, he'd be a beast central midfielder. but with his characteristics, id get more excited if we were talking about a SS or Trequartista.
but for a central midfielder, i'm looking for different things first. maybe that's personal

2. evidently, this is something very important to you and part of the fans, not for me and part of the fans.
imo, it's really irrelevant.
he has the status he has because of what he did for us and Suso has the same status.
would have made a little more sense to me if he was a player that transcended Milan colors by being a Flagship player for Italy therefore for all italians. then, Having a pillar of the national italian team would have that "extra" value.

Sorriso Sempre

Milan Legend
Sep 4, 2013
Reaction score
I come in here for the first time in a few weeks you motherfuckers are talking about wanting Jack out of here


great argument


Vi må tage det som det kommer
Jul 22, 2012
Reaction score
Fav. Players
KAKA, Maldini, Nesta, Dida, Inzaghi, Sheva, TSilva, R9, Raul, Casillas, Schmeichel, Messi, Zlatan
So Despacito is the best song ever? Popular ≠ better.

It is a very good song.. just because it became so popular doesn't mean it is a bad song.

-- fifa is levels above pes interms of everything. And all the units it sells are there for everyone to see.
Only good thing about pes is the player-faces and chl license... that is it.


Phase 3
Staff member
Aug 26, 2008
Reaction score
Milan are with PES? looks like I'm buying fifa 18: icon edition


Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
i think your post has alot of contradiction, while you admitting jack ability you are at the same time want him out, why? because he should be the one who is picking up the runs? we have both bonucci and bilgia to do so, not to mention it is not the LM main duty to pick up runs, usually it is happening from the anchor(biglia), also 28 is the players prime, you want to sell him at his prime for what 25 M or? so that we can have a player who might worth double than than and maybe flop, if the renato (bayren flop) worth 45 M, what do you think a WC mid would worth?..

i can't really understand milan fans in this forum, Jack has been our best player in the past 3 years without a doubt, he just come out of 2 injuries, one of them could be a career ending one, and he is playing with new players and change of formulation, give him a chance for god's sack, you guys want to sell him after 1 game?? and not that he was bad either, he just wasn't at his best, and no disrespect to Hakan, and not to take anything from him, he did an excellent job in the EL game and i hope he keeps it, but it was a weak opponent, and also he was one of our worst players against Calgiari game, for me at least it should take full bad season from Jack before i would Consider selling him, and as a true milanista, i SHOULD stand by the player who supported our colors in the bad days, and was our only hope more than any other player, especially knowing how talented he is, not asking for his head after 1 average performance....

thanks for reading and replying.

i'll start with the second paragraph.
that's exactly where i did not want to go, the emotional route.
we all like Jack, but excuse me for talking from a tactical point of view here. and will be great if we can stay on that field.
and my post is not fueled from Bonaventura bad showing on Sunday.
i've been raising this issue for a while now, purely on tactical basis

there is only contradiction is you want it to be.

i don't know how saying "Bonaventura is a Great Talented player...but not suited to be an effective CM" is contradictory.

i respect your arguments though they're a bit simplistic and generalizing

i don't say that the LCM has to do this or Anchor has to do that. there is no football constitution that impose that. those are not rules.
sure there are midfield schemes that are popular and widely used but ultimately you play to the characteristics of your players to create a Balanced and Functioning midfield...

so i said the third midfielder should be the one picking out the forward runs based on the fact that the characteristics of the 2 players who are already set as kind of untouchable Biglia and Kessie.

Biglia is not a Pirlo, if he was we would probably need 2 B2Bs next to him.
he marshals the midfield, breaks opposition play, and calmly get the ball out of the danger zone. and he's great at it. he can pin point pass on occasions but he is not acting as a playmaker.

Kessie assisted in Europa and would have had another if Kalinic 3rd had stood... but he is not a playmaker.

Bonucci? you sure you want to watch games with balls flung from the back rather than a fluid build up?

it's great that we have more players able to chip in assist and all but that won't cut it.

WC? so now a signing has no value if it's not WC?
why is that an automatic way of thinking for some?
i can name legion of players from serie A (out of top 4 teams) that would be a better fit for CM while not being more talented or better players than Bonaventura (i hope you don't register this as another contradiction) ...
but if name any, we'd probably be discussing who's more talented which is not the point.


Staff member
Feb 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Netherlands
I come in here for the first time in a few weeks you motherfuckers are talking about wanting Jack out of here...

 UYHSggGBolGxUVITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMtNygtLisBCgoKDg0O FxAQGi0dFx0tLS0tKysrLS0tLS0tLS0tKy0tKy0tKy0rLS00LS 0tNy0tLS0tLSstNzctNy0rLSstK//AABEIAOEA4QMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAACAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAADBAIFAAEGBwj/xABCEAABAwIEAwUFBQYEBgMAAAABAAIDBBEFEiExQVFhBhMicY EyUpGhsRQzQnLBBxUjc5LRNFNisoOio7TD4RZjdP/EABoBAAMBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgMEBQb/xAAkEQACAgEEAwEAAwEAAAAAAAAAAQIRAwQSITETQVEyBWFxIv/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A8/7wob3oRqWqDphzXKkdARxUS26H3w5oTqy34bqqCxkRKQpgkziJ 4NWfvM+6PmimK0PCkbyW/sbeXzSP71Puj5rDi7vcHzQkwtD4o28vmVNtI3Tw8eqqzi7+DR8 1KLFn3aCG7jnzRtYJ8nqsOrfK30RoddOv6IURtf0+ilGTc+q5H 2bm27eqWkdutVdW1g135cSqx4kk3JA5BbQxORLmkEqa1jeNzyG pST8R5RuPmQEz+78vD5KJozyW0dPEz8jEXYk7/LHxP9lD95Hiw+hurE0Q46IUtGNdE3igLexZlew8bHqjA31CUnp Et3TmatP9j6KJYfg1kosnoZCq5cUkG7G29UM4u/8Ay2/ErLxtFqaLJyjZVv70dxYPiouxU+7809rHuOlhboFPTmPiFxM8x JJBcPUoDnHmfiUeIXkO7c5vvN+IWu8b7zf6guCctNhJTWIXkO/75vvt/qCxcB9nPRYn4kHlZ0LoG+6EF9M3kmlF6LJEX0zeSXlpxwTzhuo ZVSYFS5iiWpydiArskGGKDxZMsCDMmhMXTFPT3LTwzDX1CFc8g 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Yea, I do get your point but at the same time...



Staff member
Feb 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Netherlands
New member Marionsax joined our forum

Finally this place is attractive again for women.

I mean we have mleite, Andromeda and Thenebra

MB, i want you on your best behaviour this evening

Forza Milan USA

Starting Eleven
Aug 24, 2016
Reaction score
So, what's been talked about on here over the last 3 weeks? A whole bunch of nothing it looks like thus far other than wanting Jack gone.


U mirin brah?
Oct 6, 2014
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Fav. Players
Kaká, Cafu, Ronaldinho, Pato, Dida, Gattuso, Balotelli, Borini, Honda, Saelemaekers
lmao wtf did you do to her/him wesley :lol:


Lo Stile di Pioli
Staff member
Apr 15, 2006
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Nesta, Maldini, Buffon, Rino*Pirlo*Clarence, Sheva, Totti, Ibra, Pippo, Giacomo, Carlo, Il Dottore
I come in here for the first time in a few weeks you motherfuckers are talking about wanting Jack out of here...

I liked it better during August 30th crisis mode

This is how the Commode is these days. Attention span has dropped from 5 matches to 1.


Lo Stile di Pioli
Staff member
Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
Fav. Players
Nesta, Maldini, Buffon, Rino*Pirlo*Clarence, Sheva, Totti, Ibra, Pippo, Giacomo, Carlo, Il Dottore
Is Thenebra our resident newcastle girl kakajd?


Maldini tier
Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
Mt. Paektu
Fav. Players
3; Marat Safin; Tiziano Crudeli; 2Pac; Christian Bale; Martin M??rsepp; Balotelli.
who was the man above me user?


Milan Legend
Aug 2, 2010
Reaction score
It is a very good song.. just because it became so popular doesn't mean it is a bad song.

-- fifa is levels above pes interms of everything. And all the units it sells are there for everyone to see.
Only good thing about pes is the player-faces and chl license... that is it.

Your only argument is that it sells more unit...

I mean it's fine that you like FIFA but to say the "ONLY good thing about PES..." is one-sided. The actual game play, you know, what I buy the game for is much better with PES and much more resemble the pace and build up of the real game than FIFA which is very arcade like, like many have mentioned.

And the lack of license is not really an issue since the option file downloading now makes it easier to load other people's squads. With the option files, the game is much more complete than FIFA.

On top of that, FIFA has gotten lazier over the years and sometimes does not update a player's face for multiple seasons.

I would say "THE ONLY" thing about FIFA is the ultimate team and online mode.

To each his own I guess.
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