Fernando Carlos Redondo


Empire of Brazil
Aug 17, 2009
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Van Basten, Savicevic, Gullit, Maldini, Romario, Zidane, Suker, Litmanen, Redondo
Was he always trying to dribble like this ?

I'm pretty sure it turned out bad a few times.

From what I heard about him , I expected more key passes in the videos.

its was very difficult to see him losing the ball.. he was very safe.. elegant.. real dm protecting the defensive line..

i dont see anybody playing like him today.. shame that all of this was for real madrid and argentina.

he wasnt a playmaker.. but help the pressure from the middle.


Mar 18, 2014
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its was very difficult to see him losing the ball.. he was very safe.. elegant.. real dm protecting the defensive line..

i dont see anybody playing like him today.. shame that all of this was for real madrid and argentina.

he wasnt a playmaker.. but help the pressure from the middle.

He was actually kind of a playmaker...in his own way...he could make some very good assists...he was the brain of every team he played in
He could make a good long ball but he was not a typical regista but that's for the better since he was less of a one-trick phony
He was special...you don't see any anchor try to do a taconazo...especially not in a CL Quarter-Final like he did vs Man Utd

He was an Anchor but he was also a very good passer and he incorporated his flair in his style of play...he could recover balls but he could also dribble 2-3 players,charge forward and help the attackers
I'm not sure there was any other kind of player like him ever before
And like most really great players back in the day he had a great personality on and off the pitch and his confident personality is what made him stood out...he was a midfield leader

It would be for sure a dream to see a player like him nowadays...but I doubt we'll ever see a player like him again


Mar 19, 2013
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Maldini, Nesta, Gattuso, Rui Costa, Albertini, Serginho, Seedorf, Redondo, Ibrahimovic, Ronaldinho
He was actually kind of a playmaker...in his own way...he could make some very good assists...he was the brain of every team he played in
He could make a good long ball but he was not a typical regista but that's for the better since he was less of a one-trick phony
He was special...you don't see any anchor try to do a taconazo...especially not in a CL Quarter-Final like he did vs Man Utd

He was an Anchor but he was also a very good passer and he incorporated his flair in his style of play...he could recover balls but he could also dribble 2-3 players,charge forward and help the attackers
I'm not sure there was any other kind of player like him ever before
And like most really great players back in the day he had a great personality on and off the pitch and his confident personality is what made him stood out...he was a midfield leader

It would be for sure a dream to see a player like him nowadays...but I doubt we'll ever see a player like him again

amazing guy, too bad he didn't get to shine for us


Empire of Brazil
Aug 17, 2009
Reaction score
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Van Basten, Savicevic, Gullit, Maldini, Romario, Zidane, Suker, Litmanen, Redondo


Milan Legend
Mar 11, 2013
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Grande Britain
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Dopo aver diretto ed orchestrato con maestria, classe e personalit? il centrocampo del Real Madrid per sei anni, essersi caricato molte volte sulle spalle la squadra, vincendo tutto quello che c'era da vincere e consacrandosi come il miglior regista puro del calcio, nell'estate del '2000 Fernando Redondo pass? al Milan per 25 miliardi di lire. Grande entusiasmo in casa rossonera per un acquisto tanto prestigioso, non che il Milan non fosse abituato a certi colpi di mercato, ma "El Principe" aveva davvero infiammato i cuori dei milanisti. "Forza Milan!" storica rivista mensile rossonera si present? con una copertina ad effetto "Il mondo ? Redondo" per celebrare l'imminente arrivo del campione argentino. Purtroppo le grandi aspettative vennero disilluse subito, Redondo si infortun? gravemente al legamento crociato anteriore destro durante il pre campionato, ed inizi? cosi per lui un lungo calvario. Lo stesso centrocampista argentino ricorda:
" L'unica cosa che mi dispiace della mia esperienza al Milan ? l'infortunio che ho avuto quando sono arrivato perch? ero nel momento pi? importante della mia carriera, la vita ? cos? e a volte bisogna affrontare dei momenti duri. Tutto questo per? mi ? servito per crescere come persona. Ho comunque fatto delle esperienze importanti: sono riuscito a scendere in campo con la maglia del Milan, ho vinto uno scudetto, una Champions League e una Coppa Italia". In queste parole traspare giustamente tristezza e malinconia. Redondo, dimostrandosi un grandissimo anche fuori dal rettangolo verde, chiese alla societ? rossonera di non percepire lo stipendio fino al giorno in cui sarebbe rientrato in campo. Un gesto da SIGNORE vero, irripetibile nel calcio di oggi. Il suo esordio ufficiale in maglia rossonera avvenne dopo oltre due anni da quel maledetto infortunio, precisamente il 3/12/2002 in Ancona-Milan di Coppa Italia. Il tocco magico che madre natura gli ha donato nonostante la lunga inattivit? non l'aveva perso, e malgrado tutto anche in quelle poche apparizioni in maglia rossonera si ? dimostrato sempre il fuoriclasse che era. Con lo stesso stile con cui toccava il pallone, il Principe Redondo salut? il Milan nel 2004. Malgrado le sporadiche apparizioni in campo ? ricordato benissimo dall'ambiente, campione silenzioso e discreto, signore nella vita, ha vissuto al Milan il periodo pi? difficile della sua carriera, dopo due giorni a Milanello l'infortunio e poi ben tre operazioni con due lunghi anni di calvario lontano dal campo.
Una storia triste, una favola senza lieto fine, ed un grande rimpianto, quello di non aver potuto ammirare il Principe Redondo in Serie A con una certa continuit?. E per i veri amanti di questo sport, questa fu una grande privazione, perch? chi ama il calcio non puo' non amare Redondo.



Milan Legend
Mar 11, 2013
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Grande Britain
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He had succeeded where a year earlier Edgar Davids and Zinedine Zidane had failed; the most feared midfield quartet in Europe were not only contained but given a master class in ball retention and midfield orchestration by the Argentine. Roy Keane had never been so thoroughly dominated in a single game, especially not this Roy Keane, at the physical peak of his career. His gorgeous back-heel encapsulated his overall performance.


Hurts to post in this thread :cry:


Milan Legend
Mar 11, 2013
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Grande Britain
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I'll never forget this... and to do it at Old Trafford against those jammy gits was perfect.
