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  • bukan kaget lagi, bingung juga. kapan-kapan ada yg message ane nicknya derp. nicknya asing, avatarnya apalagi. tapi inget temenku kan ente doang jadi yah pasti ga salah lagi dah :lol:

    ane sehat juga bro, cuman rada sibuk sekarang
    bwahahahaha :lol: :mad: :lol: :fp:
    yg ane tanyain bukan ukurannya bro tapi jumlah minimal posting nya :max:
    klo ukurannya sih udah tau bro. walahh mabok aibon ga ngajak² nih heuheuhe :D :D :D

    soalnya klo liat rules cuma 125 post, tapi ada yg ngomong malah harus 250 post. sekalian nanya juga, custom tag harus berapa post tuh bro?

    tengkyu sebelomnya hehe :)
    hahaha klo mintanya kaya gitu sih kurang ajar namanya. wajar aja dicuekin :D
    siap dah ntar sept gua coba minta ganti. kalau masih pengen itu juga hehe :D
    iyalah mintanya baik² :lol: masa gua minta sambil bentak² :D
    siap dah nanti gua coba. thanks bro :thumbsup:
    halah dijadwal gitu :o
    sempet pengen ganti nama soalnya, biar ga terlalu mencerminkan nama panggilan asli hehe :D

    oke deh bro. thanks infonya :)
    hoo nama aslinya toh :D
    btw klo ganti nama mintanya langsung ke david atau lewat moderator sih?
    Seen it like a week back, talked about that in the Vid games thread. Now I got almost all the 4 scenarios, complete with their 5 chapters apiece, off Youtube...hours and HOURS of viewing!!

    The Ada clone (wanted to be Derek's sex-slave :) ) was Carla Radames, a brilliant scientist working for Neo-Umbrella and by extension, The Family. Now deceased.
    VBA Link and No$GBA can link most gameboy advance games but they do it differently. TGB_dual links Gameboy color games like a pokemon crystal.

    VBA Link can allow you to battle someone from anywhere in the world as long as they have internet service.

    NO$GBA allows to link solely from your computer. Basically, Both players play on the same computer. TGB_dual is the same and VBA link has this option as well.
    Not it stands there's a looooong queue of games (on different platforms) waiting to be played by me...I'd have to be really, really, really, really, REALLY bored to consider the PSP emu. :D
    Ahh so it's you..was struggling to find out which of my friends suddenly became 'Izanagi'. ;)

    Well technically I think I have that in my emu folder..pcsp.exe or something..but I haven't bothered installing it. Tbh I never really liked the PSP console for no particular reason. And no, I'm soooo not a Nintendo nerd. :)

    Only game I liked on it was GOW: Chains of Olympus.
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