Milan Veteran
As far as i've read, andre isnt ours anymore, is that correct? Anyone knows the details?
As far as i've read, andre isnt ours anymore, is that correct? Anyone knows the details?
we made a permanent swap with Rebic but Ive seen some reports saying we have a sell on clause..not sure whether that's correct or not
LE CIFRE - Novita, a livello economico, arrivano oggi dalla Germania, dove la Bild pubblica le cifre dell'affare: l'Eintracht ha pagato 3 milioni di euro Andre Silva (con percentuali sulla futura rivendita per i rossoneri), il Milan ne ha dati 5 ai tedeschi per Rebic. Di questi 5, 2,5 sono andati alla Fiorentina.
Recently linked with Barcelona and EPL.THE FIGURES - News, on an economic level, arrive today from Germany, where Bild publishes the figures of the deal: Eintracht paid €3m for Andre Silva (with percentages on the future resale for Milan), Milan have given €5m to the Germans for Rebic. From these €5m, €2.5m went to Fiorentina.
what if they screw us up like they did with fiore-rebic?
what if they screw us up like they did with fiore-rebic?