Australians are the biggest bastardos in cricket... and I mean the whole package, the skill, the bullying, the sledging, its all top billing. So, when Allan Boarder decrees that Javed Miandad is off-limits and here you are not even giving him a place in wot looks to be a ISC team... my friend, c'mon.
Also... I'm not sure here so I'm asking: Anwar's 194 & Sachin's 200, were these made when rules were the same? When did fielding restrictions, power plays come into play? I cud be wrong on this but it seems Anwar made his when there was balance... later on the sport moved to favour the batsmen. Like golf and Tiger... the fucker had a strong T-off so they started making courses longer.
Edit: Afridi & entertainment lol! Lol! Lol! Save yr Euro, you wont get much value for it.