Completely agreed with you, especially about his "low durability". For someone with body as big as Leao, he's surprisingly bad when going on duel, whether is shrugging off his marker or going into tackle. Even whoscores listed "holding on to the ball" as his weakness.
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Yes, Leao is playing every single matchs in recent months, while actually in all that games he doesn't run/cover too much. I think even Tomori is running/covering the ground much more than Leao.
If he doesn't improve his strenght/stamina, I think his maximum level would be "Good" player. I mean as an "Elite" level player, every team wan't to make him playing. Even on international friendly, nobody want to watch an "Elite" level player dissappearing after 15-30 minutes of play.
That's just my feeling though, anyone welcome to argue with some data (I tried to find it but I can't)