And billy loves it

he dont want a big wage bill , to be honest he gets a kick out of it, he just dont give a fuck.
he is way ahead of the curve compared to all the giants ( like ibm or amaxon or anybody)
Thats the great thing about data analysis, if you can question the conventional methods, if its not your money you cant go with intuition all the time. analytics has not resulted completely into profit because the loop is not closed or most of the people do it because its the coolest term like bigdata, cloud, mobile yada yada
billy beane doesnt give a fuck he wants to spit on the conventions and he knows there is a direct result from being ruthless, data intelligent and bold.
his balls should replace your emblem
have you seen that Indian basketball owner of Kings? he is too much hands own and I hate his basketball philosphy
but he said one sentence last centuary was about technology this centuary is about mathematics or what to do with technology is producing, he is the dude who digitlized wall street in late 80s or 90s