D’Amico or his mentor Sartori would be the clear choices. Sadly I think both are under contract and will be difficult to secure as SD.
RedBird’s record on this front does not inspire confidence does it.
It’s just a shame the new stadium involves sharing it with inter. It does make more sense logistically to acquire the San Siro grounds though.
Milan will need to compensate for losing out on the champions league. What those measures will be we will find out soon enough. The aftermath of this...
re-inventing the wheel again I see. Sometimes older long standing methods work better than modernised theories. Or a combination of the two can also work. But in the hands of RedBird neither one will be applied. Judging by their handling of matters thus far.
Otherwise known as.
So Furlani is picking the “Head of Football/Sporting Director” and the soon to be demoted back to head of scouting (another bad idea) Moncada is going to pick the new coach.
Words are not sufficient so to illustrate.
What could possibly go wrong ?
The principal goal the only goal of RedBird is to maximise profit margins and sell the club to the highest bidder with a stadium as part of the sales pitch. This was the only true intent from day one!
Here’s the rub though, if the team is struggling or worse still failing in a sporting context...