
What is leadership at all? Phenomenon, need, property, symptom, function? There is no unambiguous answer. What is leadership for a particular person depends on personality. Some of us is a need, and someone has a symptom https://www.casinosenligneca.com/revues/tonybet/.

Let us try to consider the concept of leadership without pink glasses in terms of causes and motifs, pains, symptoms, benefits.

Based on the experience of the diagnosis of leadership properties, two main forms of leadership can be distinguished: congenital leadership (VL) and acquired (PL).

Psychodiagnostics, especially deep, reveals unconscious motives, the basis for the formation of the leadership of a particular person.

Congenital leadership

Congenital, natural leadership relies on a genetically determined need for expanding the zone of the presence of its "I", in the desire to influence the events. In business circles, more recently, this need is called expansion. People, falling into the area of the influence of the leader, become a team and develop, grow in the direction of the goals set by the leader. There is a vector of leadership, since the frozen leaders does not happen. This is a phenomenon having a dynamics. No purpose - no leadership.
April 12

