Recent content by thuhang

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    Is hamster a good pet?
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    All About Movies

    With the success of The Fast and the Furious which was essentially a remake of Point Break but with fast cars than surfers. 2 Fast 2 Furious returns with Paul Walker reprising his role as Brian O'Connor now a disgraced cop having let his prey get away in the first movie.
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    All About Movies

    Snatch is an amazing movie in every sense of the word.
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    All About Television

    Ninja turtles - I was never a big fan of TMNT, but the concept was always a unique one.
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    All About Television

    Gilmour girls - Love comedy. Love drama. Love comedy and drama together.
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    All About Television

    The Simpsons is one of the best TV shows of all times. It is a perfect mirror of the American culture and has many memorable moments that will always be remembered . I don't know anybody who doesn't like this show, it's impossible not to be a fan of it. You could watch each episode 20 times and...
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    "I love you"in italian,how to say??

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    Best and worst movies

    Spider-Man 2 was almost the perfect comic book movie and perhaps released at the best time. When audiences get bored with what genres normally cook up (mostly horror) we the viewers always look for the next best thing.
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    All About Music

    Nice song
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    All About Television

    Mr Inbetween - An excellent breath of fresh air. Thanks, Australia! What a thoroughly entertaining series this is. The story, the characters and the cast are all fantastic. I binge-watched this series, which is easy to do. The episodes are only 28 minutes long and there are only six of them.
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    All About Television

    Succession - Brilliant. The characters are very easy to dislike because of their sense of entitlement, arrogance and complete disregard for others.....and yet it's so easy to like this show. There are some laugh out loud moments.
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    All About Television

    The Bridge- No special effects. No 'nice weather' filter/overlay. Not a new case every episode. Instead, a well written, well balanced story. Realistic, suspending and occasionally funny.
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    All About Movies

    Watched it on Netflix, and was really excited for the first 10 minutes because for once in my lifetime I finally came across a MA movie that's not telling me the story about how the Chinese being invaded from whomever for whatever reasons.
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    All About Movies

    Intelligence mixed with big-budget Hollywood action to form the new science fiction romance genre
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    All About Movies

    A lot of good laughs in this first Austin Powers film, I do so hope Mike Myers does make still another one.