The tough part with Sales is that he's at his best as a RWB in a 352/343.
Pioli is going to rely on his fullbacks in build up this year it seems, something he stopped last year, but did
a lot in the Scudetto year.
Calabria and Florenzi actually do this job
really well, it's where Calabria actually shines, when he tucks in to be a midfielder.
Calabria and Theo inverting was devastating and we stopped doing it, for various reasons (some good, some bad). But it was our RBs that were more involved in building up play--it's why Singo would be such a bad fit.
If Sales can be useful in buildup, he can actually be a good part of the squad, but I really think he's at his best as a RWB, which is unfortunate since we don't really use that position. It's in buildup where Calabria is very strong, aside from his great one-on-one defending, but his buildup is severely underrated.