man among kid
Yeah, I read age is his biggest weakness in draft.
oh is he too old??
i was talking more about the way he was playing .. dont worry somebody will take him .. guy look like a monster
I don't know what's too old in NFL terms. He's 25(1987). I think he's older that usual picks from what I read before.
My rams are improving. Playoffs next year.
do you trust janoris jenkins??
such a talented guy but he is fucked up .. he stood up to florida coach and we send him packing to north alabama
so much talent i hope he has a good career and sort shit in his life .. i just dont want matt elam to go to rams and play with janoris .. because i love matt elam
rams suck bro
does it matter
whatever its a ******ed game cant claim it as a sport you know .. boxing or martial arts are different .. this is downright stupidity
sometimes i cant even believe this
I am not salty ... the amount of injuries and brutality and fake machosim put into it is
have a break after every single move ... pad everything .. mangled brain .. 50 player roster
its not a sport its fucking madness built in the fiber of the society
So when you go watch a florida game, do you actually enjoy it? by it, i mean the actual sport
I see and agree.
But if you're talking about getting enjoyment out of increasing brutality or "gladiator like mentality" why don't you think boxing for example is any different?