The Rumour Commode XL: Salat Makers

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Milan Legend
Jul 16, 2012
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Pobega is good against teams where he can attack space and runners + physicality is needed… he’s a bench player and an ok one with a nice shot. but to have him trying to play make when there’s players who can actually do it and are not being used at all is crazy

Pobega finding himself being the lone dm in front of defenders uknow :lol:


Milan Legend
Jul 16, 2012
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Fuck pioli the more I think and marinate on all this

Let him win #8 because it’s happening get it tattooed next to his #19 and then part ways

If he wins it I might get a little bald head tattoo with 19 on it


In flux
New Era Vanguard
Jun 23, 2015
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Tier 1: Maldini, Nesta - Tier 2: Kaká, Seedorf, Shevchenko, Serginho, Theo, Leao, Ibrahimovic
Its starting to feel like a username ”Tomaldinho” will join and inform us of some tragic news regarding Samaldinho

where is that guy
He's been travelling, and is probably in silent anticipation of the outcome on Tuesday like many Milan fans.


Aug 5, 2016
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now that i’ve had some rest, i really can see somethings clearly.

This is what Maldini really meant when he was talking the squad needs investment. The way i see it, these are the takeouts:
1. Depth. To be at the CL semi, you need depth so you can still get grip in both League & CL. Without depth, you might just risk both campaign.
2. Quality. Stop romanticize things, we all knew this squad is kinda lucky to be at CL semi, they’ve over achieved things. But to be true CL winner candidate, Maldini understands that he needs more quality. This squad, if they’re fit and focused, can win the scudetto (and they did). But split their focus into more than 1 objective, they will be midtable team due to exhaustion. And truthfully, if these boys managed to win a CL this year, boy how lucky they would be. But if they failed day after tomorrow or at istanbul, it’s because Milan needs more time and investtmen to build a competitive CL side, no one in Milan knows better on how to build a CL competitive side than Maldini, i hope Gerry will let Maldini works in peace.


In flux
New Era Vanguard
Jun 23, 2015
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Tier 1: Maldini, Nesta - Tier 2: Kaká, Seedorf, Shevchenko, Serginho, Theo, Leao, Ibrahimovic
People talking about sacking before the season ends are delusional. It will never happen.

And it's not over until it's over. A lot of you behave like the loss yesterday was the last game of the season, COMPLETELY giving up on the will and heart of the players for the final games.


Bella Italia
Jul 18, 2014
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Rivera, Altafini, Maldini, Nesta, Baresi, Prati, Van Basten, Kaka`, Albertini, Gullit
This trend of not beating low block teams is very disturbing. Like banging your head against the wall or de ja vu` all over again. I mean they should practice 100% on ways to fix that as it's evident to everyone that we suck at it. Yesterday as usual I was hopeful but after about 15/20 minutes I began to fear that it would be extremely difficult to score with our tactics and the players on the field. Expected a 0-0 draw but of course we couldn't even do that. We can't pass and can't shoot straight, had very few chances and deserved to lose. Their keeper had little to do while we looked disorganized with no chemistry or understanding of one another.
Simple lateral passes that were too long or too short, out of sync and we're talking of game 35 of Serie A not pre-season. This is inexcusable, unacceptable and our fool of a coach says we played well in the first or second half, GTFOH moron!
I've lost all faith in this team and I must be a masochist for watching every minute of every game, until the final whistle. The level of incompetence by Pioli is astounding but the results were there up until now. He surprised me when we did well and is surprising me now that we're shitty, like he's unlearned what brought us success in the first place.


Milan Icon
Dec 17, 2010
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Bring kamada for free, kessie on loan. Chelsea ll have clearence, get pulisic on cheap, maybe loftus. Feran torres s avaliable for 30. Heck maybe koulibaly if hes avaliable. Get rid off usual suspects. We can do a lot with limited budget.


Milan Legend
Aug 24, 2015
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I'm angry at how the season is unravelling after we had a great chance of recovering.

But if I step back and look at the big picture again I calm down.

We made enough money in this CL run for us to offset any damage from not making the CL next year. I'm still hopeful that Juve get docked 9 points and that's enough for us to squeak into the CL through the back door.

Pioli clearly lost something. Seems like he's getting smaller, and losing his grip on what made this team special. He's done an incredible job and i'll always be grateful for what he's done. I'll always love him for those three years and winning the 19th. Had there been some progress this season how we play i'd say Pioli forever and keep going as far as he can take us. But we've regressed badly. Not just the numbers, but tactically we've been a mess. He's retreated even deeper into his dependence on individuals to bail him out, throwing Leao, Giroud and Brahim at every problem and calling that his 'attacking system' regardless of the opposition.

Off the ball, on our day, we're one of the best teams in Europe. We've shown that against Napoli and Tottenham. Had we walked away from the first leg with Inter with even a draw, i'd say we were going to the final. That collapse against Inter, not playing three at the back like we did against Tottenham when Leao was out, was a critical error in hindsight.

Looking forward the mid-long term outlook is incredible. We have the best goalkeeper in the world. Theo keeps getting better. Leao is with us until 2028. There's about a half dozen excellent players that are in the 22 to 25 age group that can be part of a CL challenging squad for the next 5 years. We're clearly missing a few crucial pieces. In my mind now we need a CF and an all round CM and we need to spend to get players that can perform now.

There's work to do but we're not back in the banter era. We've had a terrible 2023. We've underperformed. We overperformed in 2022. It's part of the growth process with a young squad, especially after losing a leader like Ibra. Pioli is wasting the talent at his disposal by getting them to play a physical, off the ball system. We need someone that can teach those guys how to play with the ball, how to control games and especially how to reliably create chances and finish them. Pioli has clearly failed at this and we cannot continue with him next season if we want to keep growing.


In flux
New Era Vanguard
Jun 23, 2015
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Tier 1: Maldini, Nesta - Tier 2: Kaká, Seedorf, Shevchenko, Serginho, Theo, Leao, Ibrahimovic


Jul 30, 2013
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Bro if anyone has ever had the right to check out completely it’s Adli, I respect him for listening intently and staying focused enough to come on and play well.
Yeah Adli didn’t look fazed one bit despite Pioli’s harsh treatment of him (unlike CDK) and always plays well when given the chance.

I’ll never understand for the life of me why Pioli prefers Pobega, Krunic + CDK to him as technically and mentally he’s superior to them all.
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Milan Legend
Jul 16, 2012
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Bring kamada for free, kessie on loan. Chelsea ll have clearence, get pulisic on cheap, maybe loftus. Feran torres s avaliable for 30. Heck maybe koulibaly if hes avaliable. Get rid off usual suspects. We can do a lot with limited budget.
Kamada would be such a sick signing, he’s versatile and I’ll be glad to replace Brahim. He doesn’t cross out CDK from the team either and I am counting on his making a comeback next year

I liked loftus cheek like a year two ago but don’t think he’s a big upgrade at this point. If we can’t get kovacic and I’m sure we can’t, we’ll probably have to invest into a DM but man do we have to find the right one


American Calcio Milan
Stream Guru
Aug 23, 2017
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At the end of the day, we will reach top 4, Pioli will stay, and Gerry will give us a limited budget that only covers a cheap CF and replacing a few ourgoing players. Free transfers will be the key.

That's how I see it, with a 100% chance we win CL on top. :o


American Calcio Milan
Stream Guru
Aug 23, 2017
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"He knows what he is doing."

Clearly not though. Even without rotation he still never learned to adapt against low block teams. There isn't an excuse for not having the players do to so, because we do.

There isn't an excuse that we don't have a squad to fight in two competitions, because we do. Despite Mike's longterm injury, the only other "big" injuries were Florenzi who we have adequately set in Calabria and Kalulu anyway, and Ibrahimovic. Is a 41 year old Ibra really the difference between this and last season? Now that I say it, possibly. Maybe Ibra was the key all along.

Pioli lost his magic where he could set up a game properly, turn around results, and drive the squad on through motiviation and passion. Look at last season, we didn't have the best squad but we were the best team as a whole. The spirit and passion of the team was there clear as day. That is now barely a flicker from some players, with others who look lost or disinterested. That is on Pioli. You also can't say he wasn't given no reinforcements. There are a few pieces who could've added more to the squad and failed either due to not working out (surprise: it happens to every team), or Pioli not utilizing them properly. Sure we could've hoped for more, but we knew with the late takeover there wouldn't be a big splash.

Edit: And, I love Pioli for what he's done for us. Dragged us from the banter era to CL football, a Scudetto, and a CL Semi we still have a chance at turning around. But I think it's time to move on. The contract renewal was perhaps too early instead of seeing out this season post-Scudetto.


In flux
New Era Vanguard
Jun 23, 2015
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Tier 1: Maldini, Nesta - Tier 2: Kaká, Seedorf, Shevchenko, Serginho, Theo, Leao, Ibrahimovic
"He knows what he is doing."

Clearly not though. Even without rotation he still never learned to adapt against low block teams. There isn't an excuse for not having the players do to so, because we do.

There isn't an excuse that we don't have a squad to fight in two competitions, because we do. Despite Mike's longterm injury, the only other "big" injuries were Florenzi who we have adequately set in Calabria and Kalulu anyway, and Ibrahimovic. Is a 41 year old Ibra really the difference between this and last season? Now that I say it, possibly. Maybe Ibra was the key all along.

Pioli lost his magic where he could set up a game properly, turn around results, and drive the squad on through motiviation and passion. Look at last season, we didn't have the best squad but we were the best team as a whole. The spirit and passion of the team was there clear as day. That is now barely a flicker from some players, with others who look lost or disinterested. That is on Pioli. You also can't say he wasn't given no reinforcements. There are a few pieces who could've added more to the squad and failed either due to not working out (surprise: it happens to every team), or Pioli not utilizing them properly. Sure we could've hoped for more, but we knew with the late takeover there wouldn't be a big splash.
Fair points all. For me the ties against Tottenham and Napoli, the Serie A games against Lazio and Napoli showed what we're able to do.

People keep talking about an attacking system, a plan etc. To my mind we don't have a much better offense than the scoring numbers of our players tell us. AM, CF and RW is sorely lacking in terms not just of goals, but also the kind of skill, venom and performance that actually make us a bigger threat up front. Leao has 12 goals and 8 assists, which is pretty good but he even he could do better. Giroud has 8 goals and 5 assists, which would be strong numbers by our BACKUP CF. Saele 2 goals and 2 assists. Messias 5 goals and 2 assists. Rebic and Origi on a combined almost 8m net? EIGHT GOALS AND ASSISTS BETWEEN THEM. CDK 1 assists. Diaz with an OK tally for a backup, but he has been the starting man. My point is not that I think Pioli has done well this season, I agree with most of the criticism. But I am not holding him responsible for our attack being fucking terrible. That I lay 1) at the players, 2) at Maldini for trusting this attack and first at 3) Pioli. I am expecting a big overhaul, even in the title season we barely scored enough goals.

To my mind our defending(defense and midfield) was the corner stone of #19, and that's what I'm most disappointed about this season. Largely the same players supported by the launch of Thiaw have been an absolute mess. Both in defense and in midfield I haven't understood what our actual starting XI was until the final CL games this spring. It must have been tough to understand even for the players. To my mind Pioli has been constantly rotating in search for something that never appeared, an in hindsight poor decision that was multiplied by so many poor player performances. What is the starting CB pair? What is the midfield setup? Only in the Tottenham and Napoli games was this starting to become a little clearer, and we had almost ZERO backup for that constellation. Tonali, Krunic and Bennacer in the starting XI clarifies for me how little help there is in our squad depth. Vranckx, Pobega, Bakayoko, Adli, CDK offers NOTHING in terms of certainty and with the exception of Adli and Bakayoko that's been proved time and again this season. It doesn't mean I think we should give up on Vranckx or Pobega yet, just that these factors contribute to Piolis difficulty.

The failure of our Serie A season is a lot more complex than Pioli "not having a plan". He doesn't have the players to produce results either, outside of Rafa and Theo.

The most mindfuck of all of this is that I think this year will be almost more important to the growth of many of these players than the Scudetto season. What a reality check.

Let's hope there are some lion hearts left in the group, this squad has surprised us before. But for me: too weak a squad with too little threat has created this situation, it's not only Padre.


In flux
New Era Vanguard
Jun 23, 2015
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Fav. Players
Tier 1: Maldini, Nesta - Tier 2: Kaká, Seedorf, Shevchenko, Serginho, Theo, Leao, Ibrahimovic
Oh man. We really need to clean house in the summer.
I got a little excited and made a new commode, and after making it I saw that the last one went to 1500 pages. Delete it if you want, or utilize it if you feel we need a refreshing change.


Milan Icon
Aug 24, 2009
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Maldini, Gattuso, Kaka, Pato,
I got a little excited and made a new commode, and after making it I saw that the last one went to 1500 pages. Delete it if you want, or utilize it if you feel we need a refreshing change.
I dont mind write in here till end of season or June.
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