Can't say I'm too happy for you. I feel like you could have found other avenues to support your cause but not risk your life so directly for it. I'm sure in the US, you would have had access to education and facilities many many people would dream of having. You could have studied hard and be an invaluable member in the fight. You could of been a medic, you could of been a teacher - you can do so much more than pick up a gun weapons free and let loose.
You could of had a family which you could raise, you could of contributed more to your local community, become an inspiration to familly, friends and even strangers - what I'm saying is with the amount of resources and facilities available to you, you could of used those skills. I know you feel passionate about protecting civilians from oppressors and that I can say is great... but the opportunity cost here is massive.
Dying a matyr is great and all (and I hope you go Jannah if it happens)- you could of just utilised the opportunities open to you much more effectively and that my friend, is why I'm upset. The people in Syria, or any country with political and social instability, would risk their lives to grasp the opportunity of living in a country of peace. I'm not saying America or any other country is free from guns and whatnot, I'm saying that to many millions across the world, you have a priviliged lifestyle and would swap lives in an instant.
And how about your family members, do they know that you made the decision to fight - did your parents feel that you shouldn't have left, that you should stay and take advantage of the lifestyle you have and make a bigger, more memorable impact to those you are passionate about protecting.
You aren't Master Chief, Iron Man or wearing a bloody nanosuit from Crysis. You are a guy with a gun, playing a game of paintball that has no respawn ability.
I'm hoping you make it out alive and appreciate the life you have had, and that you wish to make a difference without picking up a gun and shooting at the baddies. You could of been a much more useful resource to those you are protecting and the cause you are fighting for if you had educated yourself at a much higher level then what you are currently.
I'm upset to hear about this and I'm even more upset that you haven't been resisted enough by those who were around you. I really hope that you speak to your parents as often as you can and tell them you love them and that you really want to go back home and help out people when you are more equipped.
MB there are a few reasons why I took Lionheart seriously and a lot more why I feel so heated over this.
When I was in Somalia, government forces and the police force were always wary of those who travel from overseas, especially from western countries. Al-Shabaaab used to recruit people from overseas, with the help of some extremist cazzi who would pump up and get younger, more naive individuals to commit to a cause and travel for jihad. These kids would leave their homes, their families and their lifestyle to try and make a difference on the battlefield. The extremist shiekhs would brainwash these individuals and promise them eternal glory and all the good stuff if they went out and fought for whats right. They are extremely selfish, not interested in properly educating youth and instead want some more volunteer numbers on the battlefield. They have their own agendas which contradict what they preach.
It's happened far too often - in Somalia these radicalised western children would be asked to perform stupidly dangerous tasks (and the locals were more trippy about western extremist than locals) - these organisations don't give a fuck - they'll sacrifice these pawns instead. Why do they care? They'll just describe the wonders and importance of the missions to these kids, inspire them telling them of the bravery of other fallen soldiers and these kids/recruits would lose all detachment from the things they love. They become clouded in falsehood.
Family members would hardly ever approve of such things - when I left overseas my uncles and grandparents demanded that I never become like my other relatives (other uncles) who didn't take advantage of their living conditions. Instead come back after 10 or so years, only to preach. It's not like they have formal qualifications or teach others in a correct manner, naa - they just kick back, be lazy, never study and grow big ass beards and trying to claim that they are religiously above many others. Imagine, its the early 90's, civil war breaks out - you send your wife, children, nephews and nieces to Europe/Outside with the hope they get a better life and education - only for 90% of them to come back every now and again 20 years later with no children, no formal education, no decent job. And then try to preach you about religion - even when you sent them out there - you'll tell em to fuck off.
Out of all people, my mother was the only one to have made it to Aus via NZ, have children, educate em all, take us back to extended family and actually bring smiles to their faces. All my relatives that lives in Somalia strives to be the best they can be academically and to never buy into this extremist bullshit. You wanna fight for a cause? Ha! Be my guest... If you truly want to help out, maximise your potential and use your mind - not a fucking gun.
Respect for the young man de nuttela